I’m going to skip the apologies for lack of content over here at the Frogging It blog. You know, big family, busy stuff, blah blah blah. So here’s what we’re up to this summer. It has always been a part of our planning to add a bathroom to our one bathroom house. Last summer, you […]

Several years ago, we introduced our (now) 7 year old to the REAL Star Wars (episodes IV-VI). If you want, we can talk about my issues with I-III another time…. Star Wars is cheesy. Star Wars is fun. And, surprise!!! Star Wars is kinda deep, ya’ll. Star Wars was a huge part of my growing […]

I haven’t been posting in a while. My Norwex business has taken up a lot of my previously “free” time that I had to spare. This doesn’t mean we haven’t been living the good life. I’ve been reading, doing DIY projects, and otherwise enjoying family life. I just haven’t had much time to document and […]

I have had a lot of questions and requests* on how one’s house can get so messy so quickly. So I thought I’d dedicate a post to helping you trash your home at record speeds. It’s really not as hard as you’d think. I’ve broken it down into 1o steps to help you streamline your […]

I’ve been thinking. I know lots of people who pooh-pooh the idea of home remedies for illness. Hey, I used to be one of them (“Just give me my antibiotics, please!”). But something happened this year. I spent most of the summer battling some kind of throat infection that my doctor was skeptical was even […]

I started writing this Thursday. Had to finish it today. Which day it all happened is not really important. Today was one of those days. The stuff nightmares are made of. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. The kids have all had runny noses. The temperatures outside got very low last night, and it’s only (as far […]

Ok, this we did a while ago. To our friends it’s old news. Two summers ago, we made it one of our summer projects to give our dining room set a new look. We had picked it up for $100 at a local church’s rummage sale. It was in rough shape when we got it. […]

I love book lists. Last year I watched a lot of TV (Netflix, actually). I watched a lot of great shows/movies with Michael. But I want to be more intentional this year. I only read three books last year (if you count Kristen Lavransdatter as only one), and I feel like my usual bookish self […]

I’m choosing a theme for the year, again. I’m not sure, though if it’s the best way for me to make my goals/resolutions for the new year. See, as I was scrutinizing myself and my life, I came up with a theme: Balance. I need balance in my life or I’m not going to survive! […]

I’ve been readin’ on this trilogy for a while now. In fact, I had a library nemesis who I was trying to get the books from. To my knowledge, she still has book three (stupid limitless teacher renewals!). So a very generous friend of mine lent me her own copy, which is all three books […]